Student Success Systems

A way of organizing a school community to better support the academic progress, college and career transitions, and well-being of all students.

success for everyone

What Are Student Success Systems

These are the next generation, post-pandemic iteration of earlier work on early warning and on-track systems, where many PAS partners played foundational roles.  Student Success Systems combine a focus on supportive relationships between all members of an educational community, with progress monitoring all students on key predictive indicators of success, including both of the ABCs—attendance, behavior, course performance and agency, belonging, and connectedness.

Teams of adults then work with students and families to understand what is behind students indicating they need additional supports or more effective learning experiences and how best to respond. One of the key developments PAS members have worked together on and continue to do so, is how student success systems can not only help keep all students on-track to high school graduation but ready for postsecondary success.

Our partners at the GRAD Partnership has created this two minute video describing Student Success Systems.

Postsecondary Navigation

Cross-Sector Collaborations

Data & Continuous Improvement


Combining Early Warning/On-Track Systems with the
New A-B-Cs

We can build upon these tools to create the next generation of Student Success Systems designed for pandemic-impacted times and the 21st century need for all students to graduate high school ready for postsecondary schooling, training, or employment.

Early Warning Systems 2.0

Using predictive indicators of postsecondary success to monitor school progress and provide support so ALL students can graduate high school prepared to thrive in pathways leading to meaningful careers: two- or four-year college, industry certification, or other substantial preparation.   Learn More

The New A-B-Cs

Agency  ~  Belonging  ~  Connectedness

To ensure each student has a pathway to adult success, we will need to ensure all students and adults in our school community experience agency, belonging and connectedness  as a daily experience.  In other words, Agency, Belonging and Connectedness are what school is for.  Learn More.

Tools & resources


Providing access to students to the tools of adult success is built into the PAS framework. Our workgroups and partners have designed creative pathways to adult success.


PAS in Action!

EVCS to Career at Berry

Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. works with local business to maximize student opportunities. Learn more about EVSC.


The NLU Accelerate U program offers learners a rapid pathway to a full-time job. We partner with innovative local employers to build affordable academic and training pathways. Learn more about NLU.

Designing for Success

Pathways to Adult Success partners are working tirelessly to implement student success systems that are designed around agency, belonging, and connectedness to enhance the educational experience and prepare students for success in life. Learn about PAS partner initiatives.

FutureEd 23

Academy of Future Educators

The EVSC is proud to announce its newest Innovative Program, the Academy of Future Educators, in partnership with the University of Southern Indiana. The program, housed at Reitz High School, is open to junior and seniors in Evansville and the surrounding area who are interested in a career in elementary education. Visit the Academy Website.

Designing Education

A podcast hosted by Robert Balfanz, director of the Everyone Graduates Center.

Conversations with leaders in education from around the country on bold new ideas and research-based strategies for redesigning American education to more effectively engage all students and equip them for the challenges of today’s workplace and world.

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