PAS Framework GraphicThe PAS Framework outlines foundational shifts in beliefs, practices, and structures required to improve postsecondary outcomes and perspectives for all young people to be able to embark on a meaningful career and achieve a family-sustaining wage.

In contrast to the experience of past generations, for whom a high school diploma was sufficient to enable young people to succeed in the workplace and society, students today must complete education or career training beyond high school to have similar odds of adult success.

This fact profoundly changes the responsibility of public preK-12 schools in preparing students for their future and calls on high schools to become the launching pad for further and more tailored schooling and training for all. This change in mission requires substantial and widespread changes in practices and structures at many levels and in many different ways, including:

  • Ways preK-12 public schools use early warning indicator and tiered support systems to recognize and address the challenges students face on the pathway to adult success, based on the identified needs and available resources.
  • The systematic experiences, exposure, and assistance that preK-12 schools provide to help all students navigate postsecondary planning and preparation.
  • How preK-12 school systems, higher education, employers, and nonprofit or community organizations work together to help strengthen young people’s pathways to adult success.
  • The role of data to support, orient, monitor and adapt initiatives to improve young people’s postsecondary outcomes.

Together, these important shifts provide a framework of crucial elements to enable a community to significantly improve its young people’s opportunities to achieve adult success.

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