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Where to begin? This page provides curated lists of resources on this website most likely to interest you, depending on the role you play to support young people’s pathways to adult success. Roles include: State Leaders, District Leaders, School Leaders, Teachers, Counselors/Staff, Higher Education, Nonprofits, and Business Leaders.


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Foundations for Helping Students Succeed

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many states have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Determine Current Postsecondary Outcomes. To articulate goals and set priorities, it’s important to assess current outcomes for students overall and by demographic subgroups. This How-to offers suggestions for using data to begin that process.

Bring an Equity Lens. This How-to helps leaders identify and address disparities in student opportunities and outcomes based on such factors as socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

Start Something Viable. To gain stakeholder support and build momentum, it helps to set achievable goals that will lead to early wins. This How-to identifies issues to consider in making those decisions.

Data Systems. Recommendations developed by the PAS workgroup on building data systems to support EWS for postsecondary success.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Standards for Predictive Indicators. PAS workgroup-generated guidance on identifying valid Indicators that are predictive of students’ likelihood of achieving success after graduation, and on which educators can have a meaningful impact.

Massachusetts DESE. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes one state’s journey to develop and promote a robust statewide indicator system that empowers educators to support all students on the pathway to adult success.

Student Support Systems

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of school systems meeting this challenge.

Berea Partners for Education. This PAS in Action Snapshot profiles a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed.

Using Data to Support Students

Data Systems. Recommendations developed by the PAS workgroup on building data systems to support EWS for postsecondary success.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Standards for Predictive Indicators. PAS workgroup-generated guidance on identifying valid Indicators that are predictive of students’ likelihood of achieving success after graduation, and on which educators can have a meaningful impact.

Massachusetts DESE. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes one state’s journey to develop and promote a robust statewide indicator system that empowers educators to support all students on the pathway to adult success.

Developing a Statewide Career Program

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust statewide Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers links to information on some of the ways that states have achieved this goal.

Advance CTE is a nonprofit organization supporting improvements in career technical education (CTE) pathways at the state level. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its New Skills for Youth initiative with ten vanguard states to identify and promote best practices in providing high quality career pathways.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes how Indiana’s third largest school district worked with local businesses, using a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.


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Getting Started

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many school systems have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Determine Current Postsecondary Outcomes. To articulate goals and set priorities, it’s important to assess current outcomes for students overall and by demographic subgroups. This How-to offers suggestions for using data to begin that process.

Bring an Equity Lens. This How-to helps leaders identify and address disparities in student opportunities and outcomes based on such factors as socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

Start Something Viable. To gain stakeholder support and build momentum, it helps to set achievable goals that will lead to early wins. This How-to identifies issues to consider in making those decisions.

Build Buy-in. The commitment of leaders and stakeholders to support all students’ postsecondary success leads to development of a vision and goals, and then to investment of resources: personnel and funding. This How-to offers some guidance for making that buy-in a reality.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

Data Systems. Recommendations developed by the PAS workgroup on building data systems to support EWS for postsecondary success.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Standards for Predictive Indicators. PAS workgroup-generated guidance on identifying valid Indicators that are predictive of students’ likelihood of achieving success after graduation, and on which educators can have a meaningful impact.

EWS 2.0

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many districts have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

Preparing Students for Success

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of school systems meeting this challenge.

Academic Supports. Supporting all students for success in a robust academic course allows them to develop the skills needed to realize their potential and pursue a viable postsecondary pathway. This How-to shows the way and provides resources and models.

The PAS in Action Snapshots listed below showcase ways districts around the country–and their partners–are helping prepare students for future success.

San Jose Unified School District. The SJUSD focused on two major objectives: ensuring more students were successful in courses required for eligibility to attend a state university, and identifying and supporting more students to take AP courses that offered them college-level credits and experience.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This Snapshot describes how the third largest school district in Indiana worked with local businesses to use a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

The CORE Districts, eight urban California school districts, identified predictive indicators for college success and used them to design a student-friendly report that helps young people know where they stand and exercise agency in postsecondary preparation.

Panorama Ed designs data tools that provide a panoramic view of student success, helping schools and districts identify trends and intervene effectively to improve students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes.

Helping Students Navigate Options

New Visions supports multiple New York City public schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its College Advising Pilot, helping schools create systems that provide all students the advising they need to graduate with a firm transition plan toward college enrollment and persistence.

Berea Partners for Education. This PAS in Action Snapshot profiles a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

The CORE Districts are eight urban California school districts. This PAS in Action Snapshot explains how they identified predictive indicators for college success and used them to design a student-friendly report that helps young people know where they stand and exercise agency in postsecondary preparation.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways K-12 schools and two- or four-year colleges can help.

Building Career Awareness

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers links to information on best practices to achieve this goal.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes how the third largest school district in Indiana worked with local businesses to use a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.

Berea Partners for Education. This PAS in Action Snapshot profiles a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed.

Developing Collaborations

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Volunteers of America, Southeast. This PAS in Action Snapshot explores the Helping Families Initiative, a unique collaboration between Alabama school districts and district attorneys to address root problems and help students and their families thrive.

Berea Partners for Education. This PAS in Action Snapshot profiles a Kentucky regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed.

Collaborating with Businesses. Collaboration between educators and potential employers helps to ensure students receive the education and training they need for the career opportunities available. This How-to offers a practical introduction and links to real-life success stories.

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers guidance on building collaborations to promote this goal.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes how Indiana’s third largest school district  worked with local businesses, using a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.

Collaborating to Support Student Health and Wellness. Underresourced communities face significant disparities in health and wellness that undermine students’ ability to succeed. This How-to provides a glimpse into the emerging field of school/health and wellness partnerships.

Using Data to Support Students

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many school systems have adopted some form of early warning system toimprove high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Westat San Antonio is a national firm working with government agencies, foundations, and other non-profits to evaluate educational policies and practices that serve children and young people, breaking down silos to work with multiple data sources. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases two recent projects. 

Panorama Ed designs data tools that provide a panoramic view of student success, helping schools and districts identify trends and intervene effectively to improve students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes. 

The CORE Districts are eight urban California school districts. This PAS in Action Snapshot explains how they identified predictive indicators for college success and used them to design a student-friendly report that helps young people know where they stand and exercise agency in postsecondary preparation.

Baltimore City Schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot features City Schools’ new “dynamic dashboard,” updated in real time to provide  current information on students’ progress toward graduation and college-readiness–and the data team’s outreach to increase dashboard use and make it as user-friendly as possible.


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Getting Started

Teams. Organizing school adults into teams that meet regularly to identify and support students at risk is an essential component of early warning systems. Find PAS workgroup recommendations on creating effective school teams here. 

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Transition from Grad-focused EWS. Many states have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Determine Current Postsecondary Outcomes. To articulate goals and set priorities, it’s important to assess current outcomes for students overall and by demographic subgroups. This How-to offers suggestions for using data to begin that process.

Bring an Equity Lens. This How-to helps leaders identify and address disparities in student opportunities and outcomes based on such factors as socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

Start Something Viable. To gain stakeholder support and build momentum, it helps to set achievable goals that will lead to early wins. This How-to identifies issues to consider in making those decisions.

Build Buy-in. The commitment of leaders and stakeholders to support all students’ postsecondary success leads to development of a vision and goals, and then to investment of resources: personnel and funding. This How-to offers some guidance for making that buy-in a reality.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

EWS 2.0

Transition from Grad-focused EWS. Many states have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Determine Current Postsecondary Outcomes. To articulate goals and set priorities, it’s important to assess current outcomes for students overall and by demographic subgroups. This How-to offers suggestions for using data to begin that process.

Bring an Equity Lens. This How-to helps leaders identify and address disparities in student opportunities and outcomes based on such factors as socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

Data Systems: Recommendations developed by the PAS workgroup on building data systems to support EWS for postsecondary success.

Standards for Predictive Indicators. PAS workgroup-generated guidance on identifying valid Indicators that are predictive of students’ likelihood of achieving success after graduation, and on which educators can have a meaningful impact.

Preparing Students for Success

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of school systems meeting this challenge.

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level.

Academic Supports. Supporting all students for success in a robust academic course allows them to develop the skills needed to realize their potential and pursue a viable postsecondary pathway. This How-to shows the way and provides resources and models.

San Jose Unified School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes the SJUSD’s efforts focused on two major objectives: ensuring more students were successful in courses required foreligiblity to attend a state university, and identifying and supporting more students to take AP courses that offered them college-level credits and experiences.

The CORE Districts, eight urban California school districts, identified predictive indicators for college success and used them to design a student-friendly report that helps young people know where they stand and exercise agency in postsecondary preparation.

Panorama Ed designs data tools that provide a panoramic view of student success, helping schools and districts identify trends and intervene effectively to improve students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This Snapshot describes how the third largest school district in Indiana worked with local businesses to use a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

Helping Students Navigate Options

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level.

Postsecondary Guidance helps students identify interests and aptitudes, learn about career and academic opportunities, and select courses they need to take. This How-to offers suggestions for expanding the pool of available adults so all students can get the guidance they need.

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers links to information on best practices to achieve this goal.

Navigation Supports.The complexity of the steps required to identify postsecondary options, submit applications, obtain financial aid, and enroll is a major hurdle to poor and minority students, and those who will be the first in their families to attend college. This How-to provides direction on how schools can help them through the maze.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways K-12 schools and two- or four-year colleges can help.

New Visions supports multiple New York City public schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its College Advising Pilot, helping schools create systems that provide all students the advising they need to graduate with a firm transition plan toward college enrollment and persistence.

Building Career Awareness

Collaborating with Businesses. Collaboration between educators and potential employers helps to ensure students receive the education and training they need for the career opportunities available. This How-to offers a practical introduction and links to real-life success stories.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

Advance CTE is a nonprofit organization supporting improvements in career technical education (CTE) pathways. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its New Skills for Youth initiative with ten vanguard states to identify and promote best practices in providing high quality career pathways.

Developing Collaborations

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Collaborating with Businesses. Collaboration between educators and potential employers helps to ensure students receive the education and training they need for the career opportunities available. This How-to offers a practical introduction and links to real-life success stories.

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers guidance on building collaborations to promote this goal.

Collaboration for Health and Wellness. Underresourced communities face significant disparities in health and wellness that undermine students’ ability to succeed. This How-to provides a glimpse into the emerging field of school/health and wellness partnerships.

New Visions supports multiple New York City public schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its College Advising Pilot, helping schools create systems that provide all students the advising they need to graduate with a firm transition plan toward college enrollment and persistence.

Using Data to Support Students

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many school systems have adopted some form of early warning system toimprove high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

Data Systems. Recommendations developed by the PAS workgroup on building data systems to support EWS for postsecondary success.

Determine Current Postsecondary Outcomes. To articulate goals and set priorities, it’s important to assess current outcomes for students overall and by demographic subgroups. This How-to offers suggestions for using data to begin that process.

Metro Nashville Public Schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases a district data team’s initiative to use state longitudinal data to identify indicators of career success for students who choose alternative postsecondary pathways.

Panorama Ed designs data tools that provide a panoramic view of student success, helping schools and districts identify trends and intervene effectively to improve students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes.


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Getting Started

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of school systems meeting this challeng.

Academic Supports. Supporting all students for success in a robust academic course allows them to develop the skills needed to realize their potential and pursue a viable postsecondary pathway. This How-to shows the way and provides resources and models.

Teams. Organizing school adults into teams that meet regularly to identify and support students at risk is an essential component of early warning systems. Find PAS workgroup recommendations on creating effective school teams here.

Root Cause Analysis. This section offers PAS EWS 2.0 workgroup recommendations for analyzing root causes of student indicators and determining  effective strategies to address them, so that students are empowered to make progress toward postsecondary success.

Standards for Actions. PAS EWS 2.0 workgroup recommendations for effective actions to support students, whether individually or as subgroups with common indicators.


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Organizing Adults

Bring an Equity Lens. This How-to helps identify and address disparities in student opportunities and outcomes based on such factors as socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

Teams. Organizing school adults into teams that meet regularly to identify and support students at risk is an essential component of early warning systems. Find PAS workgroup recommendations on creating effective school teams here.

Standards for Predictive Indicators. PAS workgroup-generated guidance on identifying valid Indicators that are predictive of students’ likelihood of achieving success after graduation, and on which educators can have a meaningful impact.

Root Cause Analysis. This section offers PAS EWS 2.0 workgroup recommendations for analyzing root causes of student indicators and determining  effective strategies to address them, so that students are empowered to make progress toward postsecondary success.

Standards for Actions. PAS EWS 2.0 workgroup recommendations for effective actions to support students, whether individually or as subgroups with common indicators.

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Collaborating with Businesses. Collaboration between educators and potential employers helps to ensure students receive the education and training they need for the career opportunities available. This How-to offers a practical introduction and links to real-life success stories.

Collaborating to Support Student Health and Wellness. Underresourced communities face significant disparities in health and wellness that undermine students’ ability to succeed. This How-to provides a glimpse into the emerging field of school/health and wellness partnerships.

New Visions supports multiple New York City public schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its College Advising Pilot, helping schools create systems that provide all students the advising they need to graduate with a firm transition plan toward college enrollment and persistence.

Directly Supporting Students

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many schools have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of schools meeting this challenge.

Academic Supports. Supporting all students for success in a robust academic course allows them to develop the skills needed to realize their potential and pursue a viable postsecondary pathway. This How-to shows the way and provides resources and models.

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level.

Postsecondary Guidance helps students identify interests and aptitudes, learn about career and academic opportunities, and select courses they need to take. This How-to offers suggestions for expanding the pool of available adults so all students can get the guidance they need.

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers links to information on best practices to achieve this goal.

Navigation Supports.The complexity of the steps required to identify postsecondary options, submit applications, obtain financial aid, and enroll is a major hurdle to poor and minority students, and those who will be the first in their families to attend college. This How-to provides direction on how schools can help them through the maze.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways K-12 schools and two- or four-year colleges can help.

Ensuring a Data Sytem is Useful and Usable. Data systems to support student success must be accurate, flexible, constantly up to date, and easy to use. This How-to provides links to valuable tools and resources to help ensure that your system meets these criteria.

The CORE Districts are eight urban California school districts. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how they identified predictive indicators for college success and used them to design a student-friendly report that helps young people know where they stand and exercise agency in postsecondary preparation.

Panorama Ed designs data tools that provide a panoramic view of student success, helping schools and districts identify trends and intervene effectively to improve students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes.


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Getting Started

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways K-12 schools and two- or four-year colleges can help.

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many school systems have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Advance CTE is a nonprofit organization supporting improvements in career technical education (CTE) pathways at the state level. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its New Skills for Youth initiative with ten vanguard states to identify and promote best practices in providing high quality career pathways.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

National Louis University. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes a historic institution’s shift to develop a four-year nonresidential undergraduate program offering robust academic and career-focused support to help under-prepared students graduating from Chicago public schools achieve college success.


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Academic and Navigation Supports

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Academic Supports. Supporting all students for success in a robust academic course allows them to develop the skills needed to realize their potential and pursue a viable postsecondary pathway. This How-to shows the way and provides resources and models.

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level.

Postsecondary Guidance helps students identify interests and aptitudes, learn about career and academic opportunities, and select courses they need to take. This How-to offers suggestions for expanding the pool of available adults so all students can get the guidance they need.

Navigation Supports.The complexity of the steps required to identify postsecondary options, submit applications, obtain financial aid, and enroll is a major hurdle to poor and minority students, and those who will be the first in their families to attend college. This How-to provides direction on how supportive adults can help them through the maze.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways to help.

New Visions supports multiple New York City public schools. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its College Advising Pilot, helping schools create systems that provide all students the advising they need to graduate with a firm transition plan toward college enrollment and persistence.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

SEL / Life Skills Supports

Collaborating with Service and Support Organizations. Few, if any, school districts have the resources  to address students’ and their families’ many needs. This How-to provides examples and guidelines for strong partnerships between school systems and non-profit, for-profit, faith-based, and community organizations that share their vision to help students succeed.

Develop Life and Social Skills. Helping students gain the social and life skills they need to interact with others, set goals, and overcome adversity can play a key role in preparing them for adult success. This How-to page offers not only guidance, but real-life examples of schools meeting this challenge.

Postsecondary Transition Supports. Even students who have a postsecondary plan often need support to navigate financial and administrative hurdles in the months between graduating high school and beginning college or other postsecondary training. This How-to offers suggestions for ways to help.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.

Volunteers of America, Southeast. This PAS in Action Snapshot explores the Helping Families Initiative, a unique collaboration between Alabama school districts and district attorneys to address root problems and help students and their families thrive.

Health and Wellness Supports

Collaboration for Health and Wellness. Underresourced communities face significant disparities in health and wellness that undermine students’ ability to succeed. This How-to provides a glimpse into the emerging field of school/health and wellness partnerships.

Berea Partners for Education is a regional organization with a long history of raising rural students’ aspirations and nurturing in them the skills they need to succeed, using four key strategies to have a major impact on young people and their families and communities.


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Getting Started

Collaborating with Businesses. Collaboration between educators and potential employers helps to ensure students receive the education and training they need for the career opportunities available. This How-to offers a practical introduction and links to real-life success stories.

Career Pathways. One strategy to help students attain postsecondary success and strengthen their communities of origin is to develop a robust Career and Technical Education program. This How-to offers guidance on building collaborations to promote this goal.

Postsecondary Exposure Opportunities. Exposure to a variety of career options and institutions of higher education is essential to raise young people’s aspirations and help them make informed choices. This How-to offers guidance and real-life examples for schools at every level

Transition from a Grad-Focused EWS. Many school systems have adopted some form of early warning system to improve high school graduation rates. This How-to section provides guidance on shifting the focus of student supports to preparation for success in college or a career.

Gresham-Barlow School District. This PAS in Action Snapshot tells how one district is strengthening teacher teams and developing career awareness from kindergarten up to improve its students’ opportunities for future success.

Advance CTE is a nonprofit organization supporting improvements in career technical education (CTE) pathways. This PAS in Action Snapshot showcases its New Skills for Youth initiative with ten vanguard states to identify and promote best practices in providing high quality career pathways.

Evansville-Vanderburgh. This PAS in Action Snapshot describes how the third largest school district in Indiana worked with local businesses to use a statewide career readiness framework to provide students viable career pathways beyond the traditional four-year college trajectory.